Wednesday 20 April 2011

Dateline: Bruges Tuesday 12th April 2011

Fine but cold.
Day 2 in Bruges.  We are due out on the 12:35 train to Amsterdam so we set off to see Our Lady's Church and the Begijnhof.  In the Church of Our Lady is a sculpture by Michaelangelo which was the only piece of his work to leave Italy in his lifetime.

Belgians love their fries
Further on is the Begijnhof, a collection of small buildings used by beguines of Bruges.  These women were a sisterhood of the Catholic Church founded in the 13th Century.  At the time there was a surplus of women due to violence and war which took the lives of many men.   Great numbers of women had no option other than to seek accommodation in these places.    It is a peaceful and beautiful place with lawns between tall poplar trees covered with daffodils.
Bicycle with a Baby Carriage

Time to leave Bruges for Amsterdam.

Next:  Amsterdam - canals and bicycles.

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown, too?

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