Wednesday 13 April 2011

Dateline: London England Thursday 7th April 2011

Fine and warm 19 degrees.

Pleasure and action make the hours seem short.
William Shakespeare

An early start to Victoria Coach station.  We locate our coach and head out of London bound for The Cotswolds, Oxford and Warwick Castle.  

On the way we pass Wembly Stadium, the home of the English Football team,  Normally known as the three lions they were labelled the 3 pussy cats after their poor performance in the World Soccer Cup in South Africa.  Ouch that must hurt!
On past the Hoover building an absolutely magnificent example of the art deco era.  We drive by the former Royal Airforce base, Northolt where Princess Diana's body was brought after her death in Paris.  This airport is well known for a rather unfortunate incident some years back.  It is located on the flight path to Heathrow.  In the 1970's the pilot of a jumbo jet thinking he was at Heathrow managed to land the plane at the Airforce Base.  The passengers were hurriedly sent off to London in taxis. The runway is so short that there was no way to fly the plane out so it had to be dismantled.  Later someone climbed onto the Airforce Base hanger and painted a sign on it's roof with an arrow above the words "Heathrow this way",

On to Warwick Castle.   
What an amazing sight!  The castle has been bought by the Merlin Entertainment Group.  It has become a fully functioning castle of that era with people dressed in mediaeval costumes.  The archer is practising on the green, the Falconer training his birds and soldiers fire a Trebuchet twice a day. 

Next stop is Stratford-Upon-Avon, the place where William Shakespeare lived and went to school.  Young Wil's father, a glove maker, worked from the front room of the family home.  Gloves in Shakespeare's time were very fashionable and much sought after so Wil's father made a good living and was able to send young William to a local school.  The building is still mostly as it was when William and his family lived there.  In the garden actors entertain visitors with short performances from Shakespearean plays.
Sharon & James Discuss Shakespeare's Works

1. William Shakespeare's father hung gloves on a rod above the window to advertise his wares.  He didn't have a sign outside saying ."John Shakespeare, Glovermaker"  Why?
A:  Most people in those days couldn't read so a sign would be of no use.

2. Other than Shakespeare's house and grave Straford-Upon-Avon has nothing of significance.

On to Oxford the University town.  Oxford University is in fact a collection of different Colleges and many well-known people have studied at Oxford.

Inside one College we see the stairs and balcony used in the filming of Harry Potter and the people and symbols which inspired Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland".   The photo opposite shows carvings above an entrance door to one of the colleges which inspired C. S. Lewis's character Tumnus (half fawn half man) in "The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe".

Next:  Kew Gardens, Harrods and sipping Champagne at Buckingham Palace  

 Why is it that bullets ricochet off of Superman's chest, but he ducks when the gun is thrown at him?

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