Wednesday 13 April 2011

Dateline: Wimbeldon London Wednesday 6th April 2011

Before you can say "Oh what a long way it is" ... here we are.   

24 hours after leaving Oz we're at the Worchester House Hotel.  The flight was somewhat rough and held up for an hour at Singapore.  A medical emergency with a passenger was followed by a prolonged search to find and remove the passenger's baggage.  Still 13 hours to go!

Sharon at Hampton Court
By the time we reach Heathrow Airport we are well and truly in the middle of London's peak hour traffic.   We eventually arrive and check into the hotel in Wimbledon.   The weather is fine and quite warm, around 22 degrees. Somewhat above average for this time of the year.
Now running later than expected we head for Wimbledon station to catch the train to Hampton Court.  Too easy!   An accident involving a passenger had stopped the trains.   So off to the bus stop.  Hampton Court at last.   Thank goodness for the old chap on the bus who was only too happy to chat to someone and gave us the lowdown on the palace.

Magnificent gardens with actors strolling through the palace corridors.  It's Henry VIII's "wedding day" and being in a good mood he challenges one of his courtiers to an arm wrestle. Naturally we cheered for the King after all look what happened to his wives :) 

Henry VIII wins the arm wrestle

Off to Wimbledon Tennis Centre.  Missed our tour booking by 5 minutes!  The staff did their best to catch up with the tour but to no avail.  After a free brief tour of the courts we head for the museum.   Extremely well done and so we spend an hour or so there befor heading back to the hotel.  Well worth the visit.

 Not the best start for the trip but we got through everything we had planned. 
The buses here have regular announcements and scrolling displays so you know where you are.   What a great idea!

 Next:  A Day Trip toWarwick Castle, Strattford-Upon-Avon and the Cotswolds

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marilyn, James Sharon,
    Good job & informative! A great way to give a progress report. keep it coming!!!
    Cheers Kevin & Luka.
